Sunday, June 17, 2012

So Do You Make Boilers? Or something...

It is a well known fact that the majority of engineers are not the most socially gifted individuals in the world (obviously my fellow REUs and I are social masters). But even this knowledge could not have prepared me for the single most awkward conversation I have ever had with another engineer. I was sitting calmly, wearing a Purdue shirt with the word Boilermakers across the top, reading my copy of Hydraulics and Pneumatics: A Technician's and Engineer's Guide by Andrew Parr, when a young man approached me. "Do you make boilers?" he asked.
It took me a moment to understand what he said, since it was such an unusual question. Then I remembered the shirt I was wearing, and struggled to hold back laughter as I explained that the Boilermakers were Purdue's mascot, and that I didn't even go there, but had gotten the shirt from a friend. After an unbearable and one-sided conversation, I was finally free to resume my project for the week:
Despite my background in English and propensity for creative writing, I have never done so much reading in one week. While waiting for Professor Durfee (my research sponsor) to return from his vacation, I was told to do some reading on the basics of hydraulic circuits and to make myself as familiar with the basics of hydraulic pumps, motors, and cylinders. Over the week I read Hydraulics and Pneumatics, several papers on miniature hydraulics written by a graduates student in my lab, and a LOT of articles on about hydraulic components. If I read another article on vane pumps my eyes may explode, but now I am very informed. Looking forward to putting this knowledge to the test. 

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