Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hello Again

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks that we have left with CCEFP. I can’t believe time has gone by so fast! Since my last blog post, I have built the majority of my Simulink model for my hydro-mechanical wind turbine. In fact, I pressed ‘run’ for the very first time on Monday morning. However, with the push of that button I began the frustrating task of debugging… inevitably, this week is going to be a long one.

Nevertheless, I do have a fun tale to tell about last week. On Tuesday, I went with fellow summer researchers to visit the University of Minnesota’s Morris campus. On this campus there are two large wind turbines, a biomass-burning plant, and a silver LEED certified building which heats its rooms and water with mostly solar thermal energy. The entire tour was led by three wonderfully knowledgeable speakers, and was extremely motivational.  Seeing how the campus incorporated all of these state-of-the-art, sustainable technologies, renewed my faith in America’s green energy sector! I really cannot wait for more of these products to find their way into modern homes and communities.

If you ever find yourself out in Minnesota, make sure you take a day and visit the Morris campus. It is definitely worth the drive!      

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