Thursday, May 31, 2012

You can call me Burger

By now you've received a half dozen emails from me, but I thought I'd share with you a little about myself personally! I was born and raised in Minnesota, I moved from "up north" to "the Cities" to attend college at the University of Minnesota. I earned my BS in Kinesiology and I'm currently one project away from my Masters in Science Education. I still work in the field of Kines, that is, the study of body movement, as a fitness instructor at the local YMCA. I love to cycle, walk the beautiful lakes of Minneapolis, garden and I'm just starting to learn the craft of jewelry making. Also, my new endeavor is learning to run following leg surgery to correct an impairment. I feel like Lt. Dan (Forrest Gump reference) with my new legs!

Enough about me, what about you??

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